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Face it… regular SEO doesn’t work… but I think you already knew that… ready for herds of stampeding prospects headed straight for your site?

Updated: 15th September 2024

Dear business owner,

I can almost guarantee your SEO efforts are NOT working!

If they are, then you must be one of the lucky few who are doing it correctly, and you’re here to check out the marketing mavericks that you’re hearing so much about… 😊

If that’s the case, then ‘hi!’… we’re honoured and we’d love to hear from you, so please drop us a line.

However, for the other 99.9999999999%, I CAN guarantee your failed attempts to generate organic traffic has left you frustrated… and that’s putting it mildly.

In fact, you’re probably furious with the results you’ve achieved working with rogue marketers… 😡

You’re no doubt disillusioned with the whole process and the conflicting information you’re given… or the false promises that are ALWAYS broken.

Even worse are the flaky explanations you get as to why you haven’t seen returns on your investment yet…

it takes a while for SEO to work” … “there are so many factors outside our control” … “your niche is highly competitive” … blah, blah, frickin’ blah!!!

You may have given up hope and convinced yourself that…

Organic Traffic or Content Marketing Won’t Work for You…

But you’d be WRONG!

SEO works for virtually anyone, however, it’s not as easy as it used to be…

In fact, it’s a hell of a lot harder than anyone will tell you.

And it’s actually even WORSE than I imagined only moments ago, before I started writing this…

That’s because I was about to explain 2 million blog posts are written every day, 730M every year…

Not that long ago, those were accurate stats… however, I just did some research to verify my facts and discovered there are way more than that!

Clearly, the internet is expanding, so too is the number of people following these same ineffective marketing principles.

So, I expect these numbers to increase, but not that fast! There are now currently 4.4M blog posts published every day, an astonishing 1.6BN per year!

That’s more than doubled in a relatively short space of time.


What’s the relevance though? … What’s my point?

Well, content marketing is the foundation of good SEO practice, and an amazing way to grow your audience, while…

Sending Thousands of Visitors to Your Site Without Paying a Dime in Advertising…

Amazing right?

Well yeah, BUT… you’ve tried it, and as with the other 4.4M daily publishers, NOTHING EVER HAPPENED for you… correct?

I mean, I don’t even think I need to explain why… even if this is your very first exposure to online marketing in any shape or form… the numbers probably tell you all you need to know…

How many niches can there be? I know of one mega marketing company who have spent over +$1BN on advertising for their clients, and they claim to have worked in over +400 niches.

So, even if we say there are 1,000 different niches, then that means only 10,000 people/businesses can reach the first page on a Google search…

There are multiple keywords to rank for per niche, so it will be more, but for illustration purposes let’s stick with that number, meaning out of those 1,600,000,000 posts every year, 1,599,990,000 will FAIL to rank on the first page of Google.

I think you get the message… the point is almost ALL blog posts are INVISIBLE.

SEO has moved on from the methods that worked 20 years ago… actually, things have moved on a lot over the past 5-10 years, so publishing a blog post alone, does very little for your website today…

Even if you’ve done your research, found a topic your audience are desperate to read about, and you’ve written the most amazing content ever published, something Wordsworth, Hemmingway, or Shakespeare would be proud of…

No one will ever get to see it! Because creating the content is only a small component of what’s needed to send countless streams of traffic to your site, drooling at the prospect of doing business with you.

The problem is, NO cheap marketing service will provide all the components needed to be successful with this approach (let alone have the ability to deliver the quality you need), and it comes down to one reason…


You see, there are…

MILLIONS of Mediocre Marketing Companies or Freelancers Online…

Most of whom have to compete with cheap services that are outsourced to countries like India or the Philippines etc.

Nearly all SEO services you find cost only $300, $400, or $500 per month, yet if you read what they claim to deliver…

Keyword & research, audits, onsite SEO, offsite SEO, penalty recovery, link building, content marketing, PR, outreach, social media promotion, reporting, analysis etc…

Were they to assign one of their team members to do that for you every week and pay them a competitive salary, then they wouldn’t make any money at all…

In fact, they’d probably go bust as that’s a LOT of work for so little compensation…

If they do CORRECTLY that is, which of course they DON’T!

Even if they wanted to provide the service to the best of their ability, there’s no chance they will, since they only receive a few hundred dollars in return…

Given the amount of effort required for creating amazing content for you (not to mention the rest that goes with it.)

So, they put you on their conveyor belt, provide you with ‘plastic services’, knowing you have a short shelf-life… milk you for as much as they can, in the time you’re with them… before you move on!

It’s a numbers game, so they’re constantly scooping up new SEO clients EVERY MONTH…

If they were any good, people would stick with them and there’d be a limit to how much work they could deliver… they’d eventually stop taking on clients and have a ‘waiting list’.

Do You Want the Good or Bad News First?

Okay, let’s get the bad out the way…

Good SEO is expensive… and we don’t come cheap, however…

We’re one of only a few companies in the World that do this the RIGHT WAY, and experience amazing results from content marketing.

So, what does that mean for your business?

Obviously, it’s different for everyone, but if you have hugely successful posts attracting thousands… tens of thousands… or even millions of visitors and potential prospects your way… EVERY YEAR without further expense

Then, what would that be worth to you? Could it generate an extra $10k/month per article? … $100k? … $1m?

Even if you have a tiny business with low potential and a single post helped bring in an additional $1k/month in revenue… over 5 years that’s $60k… in return for a one-time service… not bad!

For most it will be much more lucrative than that, but it depends on what you sell.

There’s a lot involved with REAL content marketing, especially if you want to achieve that kind of potential… because it’s hard work…

But that’s exactly why most people FAIL to do it properly… or successfully.

Which is good news for ReyDesign, since it places us among the elite marketers of the world, and enables us to provide a service that can add ZEROES to revenues and profits, making it lucrative for our clients…

It’s literally a magic wand we wave and any business we touch with it becomes successful!

Hold Your Horses… You’ll Have to Get in Line

For reasons I’ve just explained, there’s a limit to how many clients we can serve, and we’re currently there right now…

And because hardly anyone stops using our service once they start, the only way we can add more clients is by increasing our team… which we’re currently in the process of doing.

However, we need to find exceptional marketers, which is not easy as you’ve already figured out… then we must train them to our high standards, so it’s a process and our list is growing.

It’s ongoing, but if you’re truly interested in attracting the kind of prospects you’ve always dreamed of… the kind that will move your business to the next level… with all those lovely (extra) zeroes…

Then you shouldn’t mind waiting a little while until it’s your turn.

Even if it takes a few months for us to start working together, from that moment on, everything WILL be different for you, and you’ll never look back… in fact, you’ll probably be our client for life.

It’s important we work with clients that share our values and ambitions, so we first have a selection process to discover if we’re a good fit.

It wouldn’t make sense to work with anyone, but by being selective, we increase our chances of being wildly successful, making it in both our interests.

Will You Guarantee Your Service?

Absolutely… in fact, we’re probably the ONLY marketing company in the world to guarantee SEO results… and I don’t think I need to say why the rest don’t back themselves!

We work projects on a monthly retainer basis, for a minimum number of months… not that anyone wants to drop out…

Though we do the first as a ‘standalone’ project to demonstrate the power of our work.

During our discovery process, we’ll set our targets and goals, so if we fail to deliver on our promises, then we’ll work for free (forever if need be), until you have content that generates the numbers we estimated…

Of course, this has never happened, and if it ever did, you’d find the ‘slow’ posts would eventually improve (and catch up), so you’d end up having multiple posts each generating a ton of mind-boggling traffic, and all the gold you can carry… for the price of a single post…

Don’t expect to ever see this scenario come to fruition mind, but the guarantee is there to assure you that the most significant moment of your career, will be smooth sailing…

Think about this…

I’m not simply providing an insanely successful service that will revolutionise your business (though I am, and it will) …

And my guarantee doesn’t only ensure you get what you pay for (and then some) …

We’re Gifting You the Key… the Secret… to Winning in Business

You may only be interested in promoting your one and only company that you’d like to raise many levels, while adding many zeroes, and that would be fine…

Take a look around at all the companies you want to emulate… they’ve already done what you’re about to do… so the more we build the content, the more you’ll grow until you’re standing alongside them…

However, if you can virtually guarantee the success of any business you undertake from this moment on… or at least, from the moment we start working with you… assuming we agree to work together…

Then, who’s to stop you owning ‘only’ one business?

Maybe you want ten! A wildly successful entrepreneur… and why not?

It’s good to know you’ve got a partner who will literally make your success happen, no matter what you decide to do… don’t forget… all this is from a single service… SEO.

Once we’re happy and making TONS of money together, then we can explore other marketing channels to help you dominate and become the king or queen of your niche!

One step at a time though, let’s see if we’re compatible first before we start dreaming.

Send us a message now (below) and tell us how you want our SEO services to transform your life. 👇